
Guangdong Qiangli Group Co., Ltd.

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Strong Group Executive Director Xuzhiyong attended the 2019 Spring Festival and the Fifth Executive Committee(Council) Inauguration Ceremony發布時間:2019/4/2 10:01:24

On the evening of March 28, the Huangpu Town Federation of Industry and Commerce(Chamber of Commerce) held the 2019 Spring Festival and the Fifth Executive Committee(Council) inauguration ceremony. Zhongshan Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee, United Front Work Minister Lianglixian, Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Zhongshan Municipal Party Committee, and Secretary of the Party Committee of the City Industry and Commerce Linchunhong, The town leader Huangshunhuan, Lin Dong, Liweiquan, Jiangbaisheng, and other members of the party and government team, the middle level cadres of the town organs, the heads of the various units of the town, the heads of the village(community) secretaries, the members of the Brothers Township Chamber of Commerce, and the executive director of Guangdong Qiangli Group Co., Ltd.. Xu Zhiyong attended the party.

The evening party first held the inauguration ceremony of the new leadership of the Huangpu Town Federation of Industry and Commerce(Chamber of Commerce). Huang Pu township deputy party secretary, Mayor Lin Dong for the newly elected fifth industrial and commercial Association(Chamber of commerce) vice chairman(vice president) Mr. Xuzhiyong granted the card. The evening also held the inauguration ceremony of the Youth Work Committee of the Town Federation of Industry and Commerce(Chamber of Commerce). The new chairman(President) Wangxiantao awarded the new elected committee's director, Mr. Xuzhiyong.

A rose is a rose. In order to support the Huangpu Charity Fund and help the disadvantaged and disadvantaged groups, the party also held on-site donations and cheque donations. The town leader took the lead in making donations and accepting cheques from enterprises and individuals of the Federation of Trade and Industry(Chamber of Commerce). According to preliminary statistics, a total of 6.51 million yuan was raised for the Huangpu Charity Fund that night. Among them, Guangdong Qiangli Technology Co., Ltd. donated 100,000 yuan. The donation ceremony was held by the executive director of the group, Xuzhiyong, to Huangshunhuan, Party Secretary of the Huangpu Town Government.

It is reported that since its establishment in 1986, Guangdong Qiangli Group Co., Ltd. has donated 2.3 million yuan to help the needy in various sectors of society over the years, including charity projects such as 10,000 people, Chongyang Jinglao Festival, Teachers 'Day, and medical and health care. Strong group in the enterprise flourishing development, but also do not forget to repay the society, dedication love. Executive Director Xuzhiyong said: Enterprises come from society and should serve society. When a company is big and strong, the most important thing to do is to reward society more and be grateful to society.

Guangdong Qiangli Group Co., Ltd..

March 28, 2019


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